Dennis writing

Dennis Morton

Social Security Timing

A study was released that found that 96% of Americans choose the wrong Social Security timing to start their benefits. With the option to begin guaranteed payments as early as 62, more retirees are electing this premature option than should, according to the study.  If someone elects to wait until age 70, for example, they […]

Money Conversations in Marriage

It is wedding season and couples are in the mindset of new possibilities and building on what they already know about each other’s hopes and dreams. As they progress toward common goals, every couple has a unique way of working together. They develop a language and a rhythm unique to them. Through dating, we develop […]

A Measure of Risk

There are two ways to measure investment performance: In percentages or in dollars. Which of the following feels worse? “I am down 5%” Or “I am down $50,000” For a $1,000,000 portfolio those are one and the same. However, much more frequently I hear down investment moves described in dollar terms. Why? Because it feels like […]

Managing Market Expectations

In the last month, stock markets around the world have been adjusting expectations. Managing market expectations about the future is important because often it is not a matter of economies being good or bad that drives shares higher. Of greater concern is whether the economy is getting better or worse. The U.S. economy growing at 2% instead […]

We All Need A Plan

It is a fair question to ask your financial advisor if he or she “eats their own cooking.” In other words, do they invest in the same way that they advise their clients to invest? If so, it shows that they have strong enough beliefs about investing to follow their own advice. That would be […]

Thoughts on Target Date Funds

The Wall Street Journal ran a feature recently on the popular target date funds that are often found as an investment option inside of retirement plans. These funds are designed to manage risk based on the age that investor plans to retire, typically in five year increments (2020, 2025, etc.). The use of these funds has […]

One Year Anniversary

Morton Brown Family Wealth has crossed the milestone of one year since our founding. Katie and I continue to be overwhelmed with gratitude. We are thankful for the trust of the families whom we serve, the team who has embraced our vision, and all of the family and friends who give loving support for the […]

A Little Fear Goes a Long Way

In March, the actor Luke Perry passed away at the young age of 52 from a stroke. Shortly after his death, I read an article in Forbes describing how Perry was prompted to draft a Will just a few years ago after a cancer scare. With a full slate of recent celebrity deaths that highlight poor […]

Remembering Teddy

My family’s commitment to helping build the Reilly Children’s Hospital at Lehigh Valley Health Network was recently profiled in the hospital’s Generosity report for Winter 2019.  This project has given my wife, Gina, and I purpose and a way to remember an important member of our family: Our son, Teddy.  Here is the article as […]