Dennis writing

Dennis Morton

Happy New Year!

You may have heard that Labor Day is the new New Year’s Day? It’s true. The schedule is packed, and the pace of life picks up in a way that would make January envious. For us, it is no different. We have a brisk schedule of meetings, conferences, and professional presentations that keep us informed […]

The Things We Teach Ourselves

We all have hobbies that are self-taught. Maybe for you it is cooking, or gardening, or carpentry.  They are the skills we picked up by following our passions, maybe with some mentorship, but rarely with formal education. For me, guitar and golf are my self-taught hobbies, learned the hard way since my teenage years. Most […]

The Good Old Days

My house starts to go silent for a few hours this week. For the first time, all four of my kids will be in school.  The oldest in eighth grade, the youngest in pre-school. It has been ‘all hands on deck’ for thirteen years, always having a baby or toddler in the house. As you might […]

Career Maker

The conversation starts something like this: “I heard someone say ________ is going to happen to the stock market and I should do _______ to protect myself.” These are two distinct statements. One is a prediction, the other a prescription. Let’s talk about both sides and why big down days for the stock market are […]

“Why” Questions

As we all try to understand the connections of a volatile global economy, here are some articles from outside sources that I found interesting. I thought of some “Why” questions that have been on my mind and found writers who do a nice job of providing commentary: Why is investing never easy? (Of Dollars and […]

The Cost of Safety in the Bond Market

Fear helps us make choices, quickly. Without fear, the stock market would always go up and we would have no need to look for safe alternatives. If we are always making choices between growth, income, and preservation, then what do our investment options look like here in the Summer of 2019? The truth is, our […]

Succession of The Indispensable One

This is about succession. Succession in your family, your business, or anywhere else where you have become the indispensable person. The one whom everyone depends upon. LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION I witnessed succession last week as a dear friend assumed command of the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas. The 11th […]

Buying Popular Stocks

You are going to meet your financial advisor and just saw that Apple released a new iPhone and the stock has jumped. You make a note to ask your advisor two things: “How can I improve my returns? Shouldn’t I just buy more Apple?” Both questions reflect normal temptations. The desire to do something to improve our […]

Politics and Investing

The competition for popularity, attention, and eyeballs is a way of life in the public sphere and always has been. The advent of personal branding has only put the “look at me” phenomenon on steroids. It has never been easier for a meteoric rise to take place in pop culture, politics, or business considering how […]

The Zeal of a Convert: My Origin Story

Earlier this year in his weekend “Intelligent Investor” column in the Wall Street Journal, Jason Zweig wrote a memorial tribute to Jack Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group, that compared him to St. Paul, the early Christian missionary. When Zweig wrote that Bogle “blazed with the zeal of the convert” the words jumped off of […]