Dennis writing

Category: Role of an Advisor

Finding Community

I have heard finding community described any number of ways, but one my favorite descriptions is “Being part of a community means being a part of something greater than you. It’s about sharing, growing and opening up to who you are and what you believe in.” I believe our lives are filled with many different […]

The Zeal of a Convert: My Origin Story

Earlier this year in his weekend “Intelligent Investor” column in the Wall Street Journal, Jason Zweig wrote a memorial tribute to Jack Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group, that compared him to St. Paul, the early Christian missionary. When Zweig wrote that Bogle “blazed with the zeal of the convert” the words jumped off of […]

We All Need A Plan

It is a fair question to ask your financial advisor if he or she “eats their own cooking.” In other words, do they invest in the same way that they advise their clients to invest? If so, it shows that they have strong enough beliefs about investing to follow their own advice. That would be […]

One Year Anniversary

Morton Brown Family Wealth has crossed the milestone of one year since our founding. Katie and I continue to be overwhelmed with gratitude. We are thankful for the trust of the families whom we serve, the team who has embraced our vision, and all of the family and friends who give loving support for the […]

What Is A Financial Advisor?

It should be clear, but it isn’t. When I attend networking events, it seems that everyone has “Financial Advisor” written somewhere on their business card. Why? Because, as Willie Sutton supposedly said about why he robbed banks, “That’s where the money is.” There is a false equivalence, though. A belief that because we all call ourselves something that we are […]

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Financial Advisor

When someone reaches the point when they need financial advice, the idea of interviewing a professional is intimidating. For many years, we met with people who admitted that they did not know what to ask and were making decisions on hiring a financial advisor based on their gut. You can imagine the risk in that. […]